
Our Smallest Wins Are Really Our Biggest Wins

A few months ago, I figured that future-Sigute would love a week off before the holidays and so here I am, on a week off.

Nothing planned, just the usual mid-pandemic staycation that we’re all too familiar with.

Coincidentally, my pre-planned sojourn has fallen on the same week that I reached 100 subscribers on my newsletter! I’ve been soaking up the good vibes and even treated myself to a gorgeous bouquet from my favourite Ottawa florist.

I realize that 100 subscribers might not be an insta-worthy goal to publicly celebrate, but you know what 100 represents? That what was once an idea is now a real thing out in the world. That I shared my clumsy first draft with all of you. That I worked up the courage to ask you to join me for these Friday morning conversations about our multi-passionate careers. (For which I have to say a big thank you for trusting me with your inbox and for your beautiful replies each week. It’s what makes hitting “send” the highlight of my week, truly.)

Our smallest wins are really our biggest wins — those first subscribers, the first sale, the first follower. We will never face a greater fear in a project than that first decision to start. It’s where we face our endless cave of fears, insecurities, and not-enough-ness.

And it’s time we start celebrating those more publicly, yes?!

Perhaps it’s why I love hearing about career pivots so much. Or why diversifying into new income streams is my favourite topic. Or why I love connecting with multi-passionates so much. I love hearing these stories of courage.

High on gratitude, I may have done a thing this week.

Dipped my toes even deeper into my passion…

*drum roll*

… and purchased a new theme for my website! *insert grinning emoji*

If there’s one thing I love just as dearly as writing, it’s aesthetic. And combining the two? Fireworks.

I really can’t wait to invite you into my new online home in January!

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