hey, I'm SIGUTE!

I believe that being multi-passionate is your superpower.

I had big dreams for a fabulous life, but it all sounded delusional in the 9-5 environment I was in. Be grateful you have a good job, they said. Follow the rules and get a promotion, they said.

But you and I? We're not motivated by promotions. We have the work ethic to excel at anything we do. We are the energizer bunnies that everyone comes to. We have a deep desire for a rich life filled with travels to Europe, 5-star hotels, and strolling on cobblestone streets.

We crave the modern day love story: woman starts side hustle, side hustle unleashes her creativity, she reclaims her career and builds her dream business and lives happily ever after. Is that too much to ask for?!

I spent the first ten years of my career in the multi-passionate shame cycle.

I would get bored at a job and feel excited to try something new... until my shame popped in with the classic: "you're not very committed if you keep changing jobs". Or I would get inspired and decide to start a side hustle... until my shame popped in with another classic: "you'll never be an expert in anything if you're so scattered."

i was a multi-passionate stuck in a linear career.

Turns out, a fabulous life is hard to achieve when you're constantly overthinking your ideas, questioning if you've gone crazy, and wondering if perhaps this monotone life you're living is "as good as it's gonna get"?

I have great news: you already have what it takes to be the next Oprah or Brené Brown. The bad news: you can't do it hiding in a closet. If I can break my "good girl" corporate rule-following and build a multi-passionate career, then so can you.

transitioning From secretly ambitious to proudly ambitious.

Don't live the same year 75 times and call it a life.

I treasure this quote by Robin Sharma. It helped me release the need to find my "one thing" and instead to start caring about living a deeply fulfilling life on my own terms. One where my relationships are as important as my income and my experiences are valued as highly as my accomplishments.

Build a career that evolves with you.

When you're building a career off the beaten path, it's hard to put into words what you're trying to achieve. Your career is a mystery to most, so your superpowers become: finally embracing your ambition without second-guessing yourself, embodying so much clarity and confidence that you're excited about the journey, being your full self all the time, and surrounding yourself with people who light you up.


Don't be afraid to give up the good to go for the great

After a decade of questioning my ambition and sitting the multi-passionate shame cycle, I decided to start posting online about topics outside of the tech world: my creativity, my spirituality, my philosophical views of the world. I was worried about what my peers might think...

Surprisingly, the world never ended because I showed up online.  In fact, my world started to get brighter, more colourful. I radiated more. My inner voice grew stronger and my confidence and clarity overtook my overthinking brain. I quit my career in tech and finally turned my consulting "side hustle" into the six figure business it deserved to be. I was finally stepping out of the little box I had stuffed myself into.

You have to unlearn following your ego and re-learn following your inner voice.

The thing about working in tech (or any male-dominated industry) is that we often drop our feminine superpowers to blend in and rise up. We silence our intuition in order to survive and compete.

If you love to learn and grow, build a career that reflects that.

ready to do the same?

Book Your Discovery Call

There's nothing I love more than helping proudly ambitious and multi-passionate professionals release their passions into the world and expand into new income streams. If that speaks to you, let's chat!

I'm going to show you how to build your online presence with clarity and confidence in the next three months using my Personal Brand + Biz Framework.

schedule a call

You make it yourself

"There's only one very good life and that's the life you know you want and you make it yourself."




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Embracing Each Phase of Your Career

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