
You Can Be Boring And Still Be an Entrepreneur

You don’t need to have the bravado of Tony Robbins. Or the polarizing opinions of Gary Vee. Or the creative angst of Lady Gaga.

I can still remember one particular conversation from when I was 22. A family friend—a successful serial entrepreneur—asked me if I would consider starting my own business after graduating from University. Without missing a beat, I replied “I’m not creative enough to start a business”.

As soon as the words were out, I wished I could swallow them back up. My response that day has haunted me ever since, because it exposed a few limiting beliefs I was holding.

First, I got a reality check about the identity I was carrying about myself: “not entrepreneur material”.

Second, it highlighted my narrow view of entrepreneurship. That it was reserved for a specific personality type, whether the loud extrovert or the emotional artist.

This second part has taken a lot longer to unpack… that success and fulfillment are not reserved for a certain personality or skill set.

There’s room for all of us.

Fast forward to today, and I’ve found myself at a company whose vision of entrepreneurship covers the full spectrum: from Kylie Jenner selling lipsticks on our platform to the developers building Shopify apps in their basements. Entrepreneurship means many things at Shopify: being a store owner, running a design agency, or freelancing as an accountant. In our books, they’re all entrepreneurs deserving of success.

It’s been a full circle moment realizing how closely I’ve aligned myself with a company whose mission is to spread entrepreneurship, when for a long time I didn’t believe it was possible.

So don’t be like me at 22. Don’t reserve success for other people, for a certain personality type.

Take the time to actually become more of who you are and start finding ways to use it more.

That journey might start with a career switch to better align with your strengths and interests. I took a huge pay cut moving from finance to starting out in partnership marketing…

But what you lose in a momentary income dip, you gain back in motivation and drive. Leading to promotions, side hustles, and many more opportunities for success.

At which point you realize you have a very unique expertise to share with the world. And a personal brand is born, attracting a new level of experiences.

And after that?

Let’s figure that out together 🙂

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