Sigute Zitikyte

the latest:

How many times have we all looked out the window with a desire to build something of our own? To write a book? To leave a legacy? To release our “little idea” to life? To build mastery and speak on stages?


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Welcome to the Business & Lifestyle Blog

Written for the ambitious, multi-passionate, perfectionist, and overachieving business professional who dreams of more than the status quo.


enneagram 3, intj, lover of all things boujee.

Hey, I'm Sigute. 
I'm motivated by a deep love of life.

While everyone is selling you their “one secret” to success, I’m here to remind you that no one has the answer to what will make you come alive. I hope this space gives you the superpowers to think big and act big, never giving up on your version of a dream life.

Learn more

Your new passion chose you, exactly as you are today, to get released into the world.

i'm here to support you:

Book your consultation

Personal Brand Mentorship

There's nothing I love more than helping secretly ambitious professionals reclaim their careers, release their passions into the world, and expand into new income streams. If that speaks to you, let's chat!

I'm going to show you how to build your personal brand with clarity and confidence in the next three months using my Personal Brand + Biz Framework.

schedule a consult


It's not about


It's about developing an

entrepreneurial mindset