
Why Billionaire Status and a Private Island Are Not the Answer

Spoiler alert: you don’t need to quit your job, move to an island, and become a billionaire in order to start living a fulfilling life.

Plenty of ordinary people are living extraordinary lives. Why shouldn’t that be you?!

The online world has unlimited abundance (and conveniently, we can instantly get to this said world from our dining-room-turned-home-offices.) It’s what entrepreneurs are plugging into when it seems like they’re making money out of thin air. (Because they kinda ARE making money out of thin air.)

What I’m trying to figure out is… why are we, ambitious professionals, with our fancy degrees and powerful careers, not taking part as well?!

Personally, I will always prefer multiple income streams and exploring white spaces over climbing the corporate ladder. It’s why I refuse to follow societal expectations of what a career should look like. (The secret is to recognize the gamification of the corporate world, in which our little overachieving, type 3 enneagram heart strings are being constantly pulled on. What’s a corner office really worth now that we’re all at home, anyway?!)

But this type of career — the multi-passionate and side hustling career — requires a special kind of skill set: a strong personal brand, stealthy time management, consistent content creation, authentic networking, and peer collaboration.

Skills that I’ve been perfecting over the past decade in my roles at Shopify, Mindvalley, and as I continue to scale my service-based “side hustle” as a project manager for creative entrepreneurs.

And my secret mission? It’s to help other multi-passionate professionals build portfolio careers that attract all the income and impact they desire.

Instead of settling for a finite game, let’s jump into the unlimited abundance of the online world.

So tell me — what’s stopping you from starting, or growing, your side hustle?

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