
We’re All Just Waiting for Permission

If there’s one habit that we all need to shake, it’s waiting for permission.

We’ve had a lifetime of building up this habit… whether it’s interviewing and landing our current job, applying and being accepted into our chosen college, or trying out for a sports team.

There has always been a gatekeeper granting us permission before we step into a new role. 

So when it comes to any pursuit beyond what’s on the traditional path, we’re looking around for the adult in the room—for someone to say, yes, that’s a great idea, or to guide us on what our first steps should be. Never really realizing that we’re the adults in the room… the only ones whose permission we need.

It’s a level of power we need to get comfortable with and step into.

The obvious advice here is to just grow some balls and give yourself permission… which is lovely advice, but sometimes logical reason doesn’t quite help our irrational minds. Don’t get me wrong, the ultimate goal is to build up so much fearlessness that we go after every goal in the same way that Beyonce does, but in the meantime there are a few hacks that will get you building trust with yourself faster.

I talk about it endlessly, but find other people who are also paving a unique path in the direction you’re going. This isn’t mimicking someone, it’s creating a buddy system—similar to back in the day when we were too nervous to show up to a party alone. We’d find someone else going and join forces, eventually realizing it’s not as scary as we thought it was.

In the business world, we sometimes forget basic life skills, like how to build authentic relationships or the importance of having like-minded peers around us. We treat our passions as stealthy missions that no one can find out about or that we have to figure out on our own. Let’s start treating them with the same relaxed energy as we would picking up a new after-work hobby.

The more success there is, the more collaboration there was involved—between peers, between mentors, and between unexpected acquaintances. It’s something that’s never talked about, but every successful business leader has a strong support system that was carefully curated. And if they’re relying on it at that level, then we absolutely need to add more collaboration into our mix, especially when starting out.

The best environments bring out our most authentic and powerful selves. They let us strengthen our self-love and self-trust. Find your tribe, then watch your goals flourish.

To become the CEO of your own life, don’t ever settle for people who won’t let you step into that role.

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